Friday, May 11, 2012

Yesterday was my birthday!!! Woot woot!

Hey ya'll!

Ready for Universal with my rainbow watch!
So yesterday was my birthday and it was AWESOME. Most definitely a day of blessings, I think God and the universe got together and was like, 'this chick is missing her hubby and it's her birthday, let's make it extra awesome'.  We woke up at 6:30 since we wanted to get to Universal Studios near opening, and to do that we needed some coffee power, so we stopped by Starbucks and I got a Carmel Frappachino, it was pretty good.  The lady found out it was my birthday and gave me a free cake pop.  It was pretty rich but pretty darn delicious.  On the way there I finished a book I had gotten the day before at the library called Firelight, quite grand. Loved it. 

Me and my birthday button!!
Anyways, so we get to Universal, and at the gate we tell the lady that it's my birthday and so she gave me a birthday button!! With my name and everything that said "today is my birthday" so all day people were extra nice to me, let me go in the front of the line to skip a huge wait, one time they announced it over the intercom and so a huge roomful of people applauded for my birthday. I felt super loved. PLUS, I was hanging out with my Aunt Sara and Cousin Court all day, so that was pretty fantastic. I'd never been to Universal before and so was nervous about getting everything done in one day because there are two parks, Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure.  (It was totally doable, we actually left a few hours before the park closed).

The Forbidden Journey Ride...saweet!:-)
There wasn't a ton of people there which was really nice, so there wasn't a long wait, except for the Forbidden Journey ride which was a 45 minute way, so we went in the single riders line, and instead of a 45 minute wait, it was a 3 minute wait...AWESOME! Then we went again, but it made us a little sick since we had just ate lunch at Mythos.  
All the rides were really cool, and in the afternoon we went to HP world, which was fantastic as well, smaller than I expected, I don't think they thought size of shops and stuff through as parts were a tad crowded, but I'm fairly small so I just slid through. :-) We walked right into one shop and were looking around and had some fun, and then exited and saw this huge line.  I asked someone what they were in line for and they were in line for the same shop that we had just waltzed right into. ::Smile::. It was a pretty busy day and I got to ride some fantastic roller coasters and even rode some on my own. 
In line for a ride!

We also were able to try the infamous Butterbeer. Hilarious story, you can get Butterbeer frozen or normal, and so we got two frozen and one normal and the lady gave me two straws, so I put one in the frozen for Courts and I went to put it in mine, but then for some reason put it in aunt sara's. Well, the way it is made with foam and stuff means you shouldn't put a straw in, so we're trying to take a picture at Hogshead in Hogsmeade and Aunt Sara's drink is volcanoing, just foaming over everywhere. It was hilarious.  I think I like my version of Butterbeer better than theirs though, I was pretty excited to find that out. :-D  We also had fantastic luck, because we'd get somewhere and there would be like next to no line and then after we'd leave or be in line the line would be huge, so we had some favor :-)  I think it was because of the super cool watches Court and I bought the other day, I have a rainbow watch and she has a batman watch, both light up....because we're awesome. 

Me and the map and a great make-up day. Love those.
When we came home, exhausted from a truly magical birthday, I saw a package and two letters on the table for me.  Gift from my parents and two letters from my husband.  Now, Jeremy was in BEAST week all last week, so I haven't gotten a letter in a while, so for my first one in a while to be on my birthday, well it was definitely the icing on the cake. I really enjoy getting love letters in the mail, I've fallen more in love with my husband in the past two months than I expected, due to these letters and things God's done in my life, AND I get to see him in 6 days.  I am a happy camper.  So while I'm finishing up reading these letters a random number calls my phone so I pick it up, and guess whose voice I heard on the other end?  Jeremy's. O my word, tears just streamed down my face, somehow he was able to call me and wish me a happy birthday. 
All in all, a wonderful magical, lovely, dessert filled birthday,
Thank you all for the birthday wishes and love,
I hope you have a whimsical Friday,

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