Loving: Hawaii. Everything about it makes me so happy. I also have been working out like a fiend, so my body is tightening up everywhere and I just feel good. I like it.
Reading: A gazillion books. Mainly mermaid books. I've also been working my way through this Fairy series by Carrie Jones. Love it. Also reading "Secret of the Sirens" by Julia Golding. I'm also still trying to read through the Bible, I was not great at reading my Bible and my chapters for a while, so I'm going to try to get back on track. My goal by the end of September is to finish Job and Ezra. Accountability. Yay.
Watching: Sooo....fall premieres. Love them. When I have free time/when they come available on Hulu because the time change is so weird here in Hawaii with TV shows I've been watching Castle, Glee, The New Normal, and coming back in a few weeks is Once Upon a Time, Vampire Diaries, and Modern Family. Stoked. Love fall TV season. Always the best shows.
Anticipating: Moving into our new house. It's been gosh, 1 1/2 years since Jeremy and I have lived by ourselves in a house, and the first time that both of us will have day jobs, and will be actually settled in one place for a solid length of time. Super stoked. I feel like everything is falling together in the right place. I'm also looking forward to starting my job next week, I'm a lead day camp counselor at the Salvation army here. Oh, it's gonna be awesome!
Listening to: 80's Cardio. It's the Pandora station I'm currently loving and rocking out to. It's pretty grand, and good get ready in the morning music.
Planning: Activities. With fall coming up, there are lots of fun things to do here in Hawaii and on Hickam. (Also, I can now cross off Cliff Diving off my glitter list...:-) ) I also broke my watch while doing it...I know. Sad. The picture with the lady on the hill is the falls that I jumped at last weekend with Jeremy. Someone told us it was a 2 hour hike total, it was definitely about 4 hours, but it was worth it. I couldn't see the bottom of the water and it was murky, but I just told myself to buck up and get in, and check it out, I was not eaten by a mutant swamp shark. Good news everyone, good news.
Working on: Getting stories ready for next week's 1st week of camp. I'm in charge of doing the Bible stories/theme/and verse of the day. Super stoked, this is what I did for VBS for my mom and Adri, so this is right up my alleyway. My supervisor told me this was part of my job and this HUGE grin came across my face. I want to make it awesome and help these kids know how cool God is and to learn these stories while taking them to heart. My work is pictured below, it's like a resort, it is so beautiful.
Wishing: That I win the raffle for the tail. Oh gosh, wishing with all my heart. And still wishing for the right name to fall into my mind. Most of the ones I had in the beginning, I have found were taken by other mers, since it is a small community I thought it'd be bad taste to have the same name as someone else.
Well, whether I win the contest or not my tail will be here by the end of November! So exciting! These are a few of the tails that the lady has made in the past. She does beautiful work and does a great job painting them!
Well, I have training today from 10-5 and tomorrow as well, I've already met some of them that I will work with and I have a great feeling about it.
Also, did I tell you we put in our application to adopt a dog? Dear Lord, I found one that is a Shar Pei Lab mix that is tugging on my heart strings,
We will see! Somebody the other day asked me why we weren't getting a puppy, I said, well we don't have the time to train a dog (although how cute are they!), and we decided to get our dog like we will some of our children, "ready made and needing love".
We have a place in our hearts for a dog, and God knows that, so hopefully soon we'll be united with him/her!
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