Monday, April 30, 2012

Books. I love books.

I love books.  Mmmmm, I don't know if that gets across what I mean.  I devour books. I love the smell of books, I love opening books, I love feeling the pages in your hand. I love reading late at night or mid afternoon. I also love finding something surprising, and when the story twists or you find something new or a new genre or discover a new author.  Love it love it love it. 
Did I mention I read the end first that way I can relax and enjoy the story?  Otherwise I power read through it to discover the end, and then have to read it again to enjoy it.  I figured out I could read the end first, and then mosey through the story, smart girl.  I don't like all books, but if I find a book I like, I zip through it and I disappear into the world of the story. I've tried explaining this to friends, but many don't understand.  When I'm reading everything else is gone, I don't hear anything, I don't see anything, I'm living in the story.  I've had many times where people have to be right next to me, and poke me a few times before I realize they are even there.
Courtney was bothering me while I was in the middle of an awesome book the other day and I was frustrated, so she showed me the video of Julian Smith, and it's about not interrupting him while he's reading a book.  I cracked up. 
This is definitely how I feel sometimes, especially if I'm in the last four chapters or near the end of the book.  There is just nothing better than sitting down with a good book.  To be honest with you, I've read three books in the last 20 hours. ::Sheepish grin:: Court took me to the library, and I showed her around, and I found this new author named Tera Lynn Childs, she's fantastic.  She writes in the fun fantasy genre, and so I got the starts of her three different series, two about Greek mythology and one about mermaids.  Whose a happy camper?  This girl.  That and I only have 40 more pages to go on Lord of the Rings:Fellowship of the Ring.  ALSO exciting book news is that Deadlocked by Charlaine Harris comes out tomorrow, AND Rick Riordan's final book to the Kane Chronicles Series is coming out tomorrow.  Guess who is going to be sitting by the pool reading her face off tomorrow?  Me. 
Super cute, right?
I'm so glad I married a man who also loved to read, we've agreed that an amazing bookshelf is a necessity in our house, we've both taken shop, so if we can't find it, we'll build it. We have also agreed that a nook to read in is high priority when we buy a house, and if it doesn't come with one, we will find a place to make one.  Way excited. I get to see Jeremy in 18 days. goodness I miss him.  Good thing I have good family in Florida and amazing books to keep me occupied!

So here is what I've been reading/going to be reading in case you are interested in picking up some rad awesome books.
1. By Tera Lynn Childs (It's about Greek demi-gods going to school)-Just finished
2. Forgive my Fins By T.L.C (same as above author) (mermaid awesomeness)-Just finished
3. Sweet Venom By T.L.C  (about the descendants of Medusa fighting monsters)-Just finished
4. LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring By J.R.R Tolkien (You all should know this)-almost finished
5. Game of Thones Clash of Kings: A Song of Ice and Fire By George R.R Martin (fictional middle ages-esque fantasy land, where kings fight over the one throne)-half way through
6. Deadlocked By Charlaine Harris (Sookie Stackhouse novels)-start tomorrow
7. Serpent's Shadow By Rick Riordan (Egyptian demi-gods saving the world)-start tomorrow
8. Heat Wave By Richard Castle (based off of Castle the ABC show, just plain fun)-start tonight 
9. Fins are Forever By Tera Lynn Childs (sequel to #2)-sometime this week I hope
10. Mark a book of The Bible By God and the people who wrote it. I'm working my way through the Bible and I finished Matthew and Hebrews today, so I only have 8 more books in the New Testament to finish, which is my goal before I go to Texas in 15 days. Woot woot!

I've been pretty busy here in Florida, lots of beach time, and hanging out. I'm getting quite the tan, and using lots of sunscreen which is good. Went to Asia Fest on Saturday, and tonight Court and I are going to go see The Lucky One I read the book a couple weeks ago, so I'm excited to see the movie.  If you don't love to read, I apologize as that is a dirty shame.  
However, if you do, I hope you like this last picture, it's a cartoon bookcase and I love the colors and books and stories within it.  It makes my toes smile :-)
Your friendly Floridian bookworm,
Amber Jane
Also. Jeremy started BEAST this week, which is hell week and crazy amounts of stress, so please pray for guidance and wisdom as he leads his team through trials this week.  He's a really cool guy, and has a calm head, so I know he'd love the extra prayers and blessings that you'll send!

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