Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day 3 of Deployment

This is my first deployment. I don't count Basic or Tech School because I was travelling and always doing things. I am in a house, with my two dogs. Crafting, working, eating, and sleeping.
I don't know how this deployment is going to go, and I'm nervous.
I don't know what I'm going to find out about myself and my new skills I'll need to cultivate.
I don't know what he is going to experience over there.
I'm not sure I know how I'm processing. At the current moment I feel a little numb which isn't necessarily a bad thing. But it is strange thinking that he's going to come home, or I'm going to come home to him and him not being here. I also have to remember to get someone to walk the dogs while I'm at work, which is important, our carpet is not their bathroom. :)

Prayers for the Smit family will be greatly appreciated. It's a short deployment, and for that I feel quite blessed.. I'm not really looking forward to the holidays except for the fact that no husband in the house means I can put up my Christmas tree whenever I want, and keep it up for as long as I want. (Grandma you did not read that). EDIT: (I have been invited to like 4 different Christmas' around Hawaii, so I will be doing something positive and with people that day, so no worries). But I'm looking into some cool holiday activities to give back and serve, I might also get roped into working since he's gone. I'm not sure, so we'll see how everything rolls out. I have really amazing friends, and they are awesome, and I have a great church as well here. Plus with my new starbucks job I'll be staying busy. All those drinks are really hard to memorize, but I really like working there, I had to taste like 10 different drinks the other day, I named my Frappachino baby 'Charlie' :-)
Today I am cleaning and working on more signs and studying for my barista exam, I also woke up a little late to go to my favorite church...but they do live STREAM! So, I'm going to 'church' in my PJ's today.

That's pretty much it at the moment, weather is nice, there was an awesome thunderstorm the other day, and my hair is growing out, I can put the lower half in a super small pony tail....good feeling.

Love you all,

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