Friday, June 24, 2011

Starting Again

Well friends, the first time I tried to do this it worked for a week, and then blogger decided to delete my blog, or just evaporate it.  Either or, it's gone, so I am starting anew! I'm getting ready to leave for Africa in 17 days.  It seems just a small time ago we agreed to go to South Africa and now it is coming true.  I have everything I need, and our visa's came in the mail the other day.  No holding us back now! I found out that there is a huge Deaf community in SA and I really hope to get involved there, although SASL is different than ASL, I figure my willingness to learn and volunteer could help me learn SASL.  Who knows, anything is possible.
We found out where we are living, it's a gorgeous house, with five bedrooms, Jeremy and I will have 4 other roomates, and we have a pool, gotta remember to pack the swimsuit! Also the house is right next to the animal nature reserve...pray for awesome volunteer opportunities.

I figure I will leave this short beginning entry at that, and see if blogger decides to magically delete me again.


  1. Blogger splatted my blog too and I can find no way of getting it back. Did you have any luck?

  2. No, I just created a new one. Such is life.


If you'd like to leave a comment of what you think or any questions please do!!